For Health Care Professionals

Member of Society Teachers
of the Alexander Technique

Those involved in the health care professions need to take time to look after themselves. 

Professionals in all fields of the health care industry are constantly nurturing the needs of others but can suffer with stress, fatigue and sometimes pain themselves.  Becoming more aware of how to take care of yourself on a daily basis by applying the principles of the Alexander Technique can help to maintain ease and flexibility in the spine.  It can also alleviate the symptoms of ailments as a result of repetitive tension and strain.  Applying the principles of the Technique be extremely beneficial in maintaining composure in stressful situations.

In 2013 I began working with the therapists at Lush Spa in Poole helping them to take care of their own “use” whilst working with clients.   This has developed into a real interest in providing a practical application of the Alexander Work for therapists.

07590 406267